Qualitative research methods have found a footing in applied public health, with funding agencies now expecting to see many proposals incorporate a qualitative component in developing, implementing, or evaluating public health interventions. This course is designed for medical undergraduate students. This course aims to introduce readers to some of the debates in qualitative methodology, demonstrate the uses of qualitative designs and methods of data generation in a wide range of health research projects, and suggest ways of improving their own research practice.
The course consists of 9 lectures and 9 workshops.

- Teacher: Artur Buiuklianov, MD PhD
- Teacher: Zhokhongir Dzhaliev
- Teacher: Kenesh Dzhusupov
- Teacher: Nurgul Iliazova Bolotbekovna
- Teacher: Tamara Asanova Kudaibergenova
- Teacher: Kalysbek Kydyshov
- Teacher: Aikerim Akimalievna Omurzakova